Patent published on July 27, 2023

Apple's Innovative Optical Device Stack with Electrically-Tunable Metasurface

Apple has come up with an innovative optical device stack that could revolutionize the way we use optical sensors and emitters. The device stack, which is covered by the patent US20230236469A1, includes a photodetector or an optical emitter along with a metasurface.

The metasurface in the device stack is a unique feature. It consists of many layers and nanostructures that can be electrically tuned to change the optical filtering property. This means that the metasurface can be used to control the wavelengths of light that are either emitted or detected by the device stack. In other words, the device stack can be used to customize the wavelengths of light that are used in optical sensors and emitters.

This technology could be used in a wide range of applications. For example, it could be used to create custom sensors for detecting different colors of light. It could also be used to create custom emitters for emitting different colors of light. The device stack could be used in applications such as ambient light sensors, proximity sensors, flood illuminators, and spot illuminators.

The device stack is also unique in that it has a tunable metasurface. This means that the optical filtering property of the device stack can be changed by simply adjusting the electrical properties of the layers and nanostructures. This makes the device stack very versatile, as it can be used for a variety of applications without having to physically change the device stack.

Apple's patent for this device stack is a great example of how a company can use innovative technology to create a device that could revolutionize the way we use optical sensors and emitters. It is possible that this patent could lead to a wide range of applications that would make our lives easier and more efficient. However, there is no guarantee that this patent will ever be put into production, as patents are only granted to protect the intellectual property rights of the company.

In conclusion, Apple's patent for the device stack with an electrically-tunable metasurface could potentially revolutionize the way we use optical sensors and emitters. The device stack has the potential to be used in a wide range of applications, and the tunable metasurface makes it very versatile. While there is no surety that this patent will ever make its way to the market, it is still an exciting development that could lead to great things.

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