In our fast-paced world, there are numerous difficulties faced by the various modes of transport. One of them, often overlooked, is the challenge faced by vehicles with high-performance engines and electric cars - how to keep them cooled down while maintaining their speed. An overstressed or overheated engine can result in fuel inefficiency, reduced performance and even long term damage. This, in turn, can lead to frequent and costly repairs, which can be a nightmare for the vehicle owner.
Recently, Aptera Motors has come up with a novel solution to this problem. In their newly published patent (US11752830B1), they introduce an aerodynamic heat exchanger specially designed to cool down vehicles without impacting their speed or performance. This heat exchanger, built in a sleek design that hugs the surface of the vehicle, is crafted with numerous small channels which allows cooling fluids to flow through. The ultimate goal is to help the vehicle use less fuel and perform at its optimal level.
Aptera's innovative patent solves the immediate problem of cooling down high-performing engines without compromising on speed. However, the ramifications of this solution extend far beyond this. The fuel efficiency gains from better engine cooling also help in reducing the carbon footprint of the vehicle, thereby contributing to a healthier planet. The improved performance could increase vehicle lifespan, reducing waste from discarded vehicles and the resources needed to manufacture new ones.
In a world where this patent has been successfully implemented in vehicles, we could expect to see reduced emissions contributing to cleaner, healthier cities. Ride-sharing or taxi services could gain benefit by reducing their fuel costs and reducing down-times for repairs. For the everyday driver, this could mean less frequent trips to the repair shop and a more reliable vehicle, contributing to punctuality in their daily commutes or travels and potentially impacting their finances positively.
Applied to electric cars, the patent could help to overcome one of their biggest hurdles: range anxiety. This is the fear that the electric vehicle will run out of power before reaching a charging station. With more efficient cooling and thereby enhanced battery performance, electric cars could travel much larger distances between charges, bringing in a new era of automotive innovation.
However, it is important to remember that this is a patent and we can't be certain if or when it will make it to the market. But if eventually applied, it could revolutionize vehicle efficiency, and drastically reduce our carbon emissions as well as the running costs of operating a vehicle.
P.S: Although it should be noted the patent is only granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and may not necessarily see implementation or production in the near future as further testing and developmental work might be required.