Patent published on July 11, 2023

Enhancing Your Media Experience: AT&T's Innovative Personalized Media Insertion Technology

As the world of media content continues to expand, so does the need for more personalized and engaging experiences. AT&T Intellectual Property I is at the forefront of such innovation, with a revolutionary new technology that might just change the way we consume media.

The patent, US11700407B2, allows for personalized content to be inserted into primary media, such as movies, television programs, games, and audio content. This content is related to the context of the primary media, like a particular scene in a movie. It can be inserted between scenes, overlaid onto a scene, or presented next to a scene. In other words, it provides a way for viewers to interact with the media they’re consuming, making it more tailored to their interests and needs.

This innovative technology is powered by a system that combines supplementary media content into a primary media content presentation. The primary content is broken down into segments, and then the supplementary content is matched to each segment. This way, the content is highly personalized and relevant, and viewers can gain more out of their media experience.

For example, if a viewer is watching a movie about a particular historical event, the system might insert supplementary content about the event in between scenes. This could include facts, pictures, and even videos related to the event. This way, the movie is no longer just a way to entertain, but also a way to educate.

In addition, the system can also use the supplementary content for marketing purposes. It can insert advertisements related to the primary content, or provide links to other pieces of content that viewers may be interested in. This way, viewers can find more of what they’re looking for, and the media providers can monetize their content.

AT&T Intellectual Property I has developed a technology that could revolutionize the way we consume media. It allows viewers to be actively engaged and gives them more control over their media experience. The system can match supplementary content to primary content, making it more personalized and relevant to the viewer. In addition, the system can also be used for marketing purposes, giving media providers a new way to monetize their content. It is an exciting development that could have far-reaching implications for the media industry.

Of course, whether or not this patent will actually come to the market remains to be seen. For now, the only certainty is that AT&T Intellectual Property I has developed something that could potentially revolutionize the way we consume media.

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