Patent published on July 27, 2023

Innovative Eyewear Design: Stress-free Display Experience with Multi-Layered Adhesive Technology

Innovation in eyewear is always a hot topic in the tech industry. There are many companies that are developing new technologies that can revolutionize the way we use eyewear. One such company is Benamanahalli K. Nagaraj and they have recently patented a new multi-layered display technology that promises to deliver a stress-free viewing experience.

The new patent, US20230236443A1, is a multi-layered display with an image display layer and two other layers. This new technology uses an adhesive to bond the layers together, but the adhesive is placed an offset distance inward from the edges of the layers to reduce stress and improve the viewing experience. This offset distance is at least double the thickness of the image display layer, meaning that the multi-layered display can be used for longer periods of time without causing any issues for the user.

In terms of hardware, the Benamanahalli K. Nagaraj patent also includes a visible light camera, a head movement tracker, and a circuit board. These components are all located in the temple of the eyewear device, allowing for a more streamlined design. The head movement tracker is used to track the user’s head movements in order to adjust the field of view on the display accordingly. This means that the user will be able to see the content on the display without having to strain their eyes and neck muscles.

The multi-layered display is also very thin and lightweight, making it comfortable to wear for long periods of time. The layers are also said to be scratch-resistant and waterproof, so they will be able to withstand the daily wear and tear that comes with using eyewear. Additionally, the display is said to offer a wide range of colors and high resolution that will make viewing content a joy.

This new patent could have several applications in the tech industry, such as providing a better viewing experience for virtual reality and augmented reality applications. It could also be used for smart glasses that allow users to view content hands-free. The possibilities are nearly endless.

In conclusion, Benamanahalli K. Nagaraj has recently patented a multi-layered display technology that promises to deliver a stress-free viewing experience. This new technology uses an adhesive to bond the layers together, while an offset distance from the edges of the layers reduces stress and increases user comfort. Although the patent has been filed, it is not guaranteed that it will actually come to market, so it remains to be seen how this technology will be used in the future.

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