Patent published on July 6, 2023

Block's Smart Method to Generate Merchant Service Recommendations

As businesses increasingly rely on mobile and online payment platforms to facilitate transactions, it is essential to have the right services in place to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible. To this end, Block has developed a patented method that allows them to recommend services to merchants based on their individual needs. Block's machine-trained models generate numerical profiles for both merchants and services, which are then compared to create a list of recommended services tailored to the merchant's specific needs. The resulting list of services is designed to make it easy for merchants to configure their devices with the services they need to get the job done. While there are many merchant services out there, Block's patented method ensures that merchants get the best possible fit for their particular needs. This is because the machine-trained models take into account a variety of factors when making their recommendations, including the merchant's data, the type of business they are running, their customers' preferences, and the types of services available. In addition to the convenience of having a tailored list of services, Block's patented method helps merchants make the best decisions for their business. By comparing the numerical profiles of merchants and services, Block can identify which services are most likely to be successful and prioritize them in the recommendation list. This helps merchants avoid costly mistakes or services that may not be the best fit for their particular business. Another advantage of Block's patented method is that it can be used to recommend services for different types of businesses. For instance, a restaurant may need different services than a retail store. By using machine-trained models to generate numerical profiles for both businesses and services, Block can provide merchants with tailored recommendations that are best suited to their particular needs. It is important to note that since this is a patent, there is no guarantee that the services recommended by Block's patented method will actually be available in the market. Nevertheless, the method provides merchants with a useful tool to evaluate potential services and make informed decisions about which services will best meet their needs. The patent number US20230214890A1 is assigned to Block for the machine learning based service ranking and recommendation method mentioned in this article. Block's patented method is an innovative solution that can help merchants make smart decisions about what services to use for their business. By taking into account a variety of factors and comparing numerical profiles, Block's patented method can generate tailored recommendations that are most likely to be successful. Although there is no guarantee that the services recommended by Block will be available in the market, the method provides merchants with a useful tool to evaluate potential services and make informed decisions about which services will best suit their needs.

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