We’ve all heard of the near-misses that can occur between aircrafts in mid-flight. But have you ever heard of a technology developed to prevent such occurrences? Well, Boeing has created a patent that describes a method for doing exactly that.
The patent, which was granted by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, outlines a method for avoiding potential conflicts between an aircraft and a nearby obstacle while the aircraft is in motion. The method involves the use of observations of the aircraft and the obstacle to predict the future states of the aircraft and generate a collision avoidance trajectory.
This technology has the potential to revolutionize the aerospace industry and enhance aircraft safety. It could also be used to protect other forms of unmanned vehicles such as unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), unmanned surface vehicles (USVs), and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs).
The method proposed in the patent is relatively straightforward. It involves the observation of the aircraft and the nearby obstacle to calculate the future states of the aircraft and the obstacle. This information is then used to generate a collision avoidance trajectory which would enable the aircraft to safely traverse an area without any risk of a collision.
In addition, the patent also describes a number of different scenarios in which the method could be used. These include scenarios in which the aircraft is travelling a predetermined route and/or scenarios in which the aircraft and the obstacle are moving in opposite directions.
The technology proposed in this patent could have far-reaching implications for the aerospace industry. For example, it could potentially reduce the risk of mid-air collisions and allow aircrafts to operate in a much safer manner. Additionally, it could be used to protect other types of unmanned vehicles, such as those mentioned above, from potential collisions.
However, it is important to remember that this technology is only a patent at this stage. While it has the potential to revolutionize the aerospace industry, there is no guarantee that the proposed technology will ever make its way to the market.
But if it does, it could have wide-reaching implications. It could potentially reduce the risk of mid-air collisions, enhance aircraft safety, and protect other types of unmanned vehicles from potential collisions.
The Boeing Company, the leading manufacturer of commercial and military aircraft, has developed this innovative technology which could revolutionize the aerospace industry. The patent, entitled “Method for Avoiding Aircraft Conflicts Mid-Flight” (US20230245575A1), outlines a method for avoiding potential conflicts between an aircraft and a nearby obstacle while the aircraft is travelling a defined route.
The method proposed in the patent involves the use of observations of the aircraft and the obstacle to predict the future states of the aircraft and generate a collision avoidance trajectory. This could potentially reduce the risk of mid-air collisions and enhance aircraft safety.
In addition, the patent also describes a number of different scenarios in which the method could be used. These include scenarios in which the aircraft is travelling a predetermined route and/or scenarios in which the aircraft and the obstacle are moving in opposite directions.
The technology proposed in this patent could be a game-changer for the aerospace industry. If it does make its way to the market, it could potentially revolutionize the way aircrafts are operated and reduce the risk of mid-air collisions.
At the same time, it is important to remember that this technology is still only a patent. There is no guarantee that it will ever make its way to the market. But if it does, it could potentially revolutionize the aerospace industry and enhance aircraft safety.
The Boeing Company has developed this innovative technology with the potential to revolutionize the aerospace industry. The patent, entitled “Method for Avoiding Aircraft Conflicts Mid-Flight” (US20230245575A1), outlines a method for avoiding potential conflicts between an aircraft and a nearby obstacle while the aircraft is travelling a defined route. This technology could potentially reduce the risk of mid-air collisions and enhance aircraft safety, as well as protect other types of unmanned vehicles from potential collisions.
While there is no guarantee that this technology will ever make its way to the market, it could potentially revolutionize the aerospace industry and enhance aircraft safety if it does. The Boeing Company is leading the way in developing innovative technologies to revolutionize the aerospace industry and ensure the safety of its aircrafts.