We all know that social media applications have become an integral part of our lives. We use them to connect with friends, family, and workmates, and to share stories, photos, and videos. But now, Bragi, a German technology company, has come up with a revolutionary idea that could revolutionize the way we communicate through social media.
Bragi has unveiled a patent for a new audio-based social media platform. The patent describes a method of using a wearable device such as a watch or fitness tracker to send audio messages to friends. The device comes with a microphone and speaker which allows users to record and send audio messages. This presents a great opportunity for users to communicate without the need of a screen.
This patent could pave the way for a completely screen-free messenger interface. It could mean that people don’t have to spend hours in front of a screen and can communicate with audio messages. This could be a huge relief for teenagers in the United States who spend about nine hours per day in front of a screen.
The idea of a wearable audio-based social media platform could be a great addition to the existing social media platforms. It could bring a new level of convenience and comfort to the way we communicate with our loved ones. With this new technology, users wouldn’t have to worry about their messages being seen by anyone other than the intended recipient. It could also mean that users can send audio messages even if they don’t have a phone or a computer.
Bragi’s patent also involves a social media platform that allows users to connect with friends and family in a completely screen-free environment. The platform would be capable of streaming audio messages, and users would be able to respond to messages in real-time with audio messages. This could be a great way for people to stay connected with their loved ones, even if they are miles apart.
However, it is important to note that this patent is still pending and there is no surety whether it will be implemented in the future or not. There is also no guarantee that Bragi’s idea will be successful. It is still too early to tell whether this technology will be accepted by the masses.
Nevertheless, it is an interesting concept that could revolutionize the way we communicate through social media. It could provide users with a convenient and comfortable way to send and receive audio messages without the need of a screen. It could also mean that people can stay connected with friends and family even when they are far apart.
Bragi has filed a patent for this technology with the United States Patent and Trademark Office under patent number US20230246987A1. This patent could be a game-changer in the world of social media and could mean that users don’t have to spend hours in front of a screen to communicate. It could also mean that people can stay connected with their loved ones even when they are far apart.
Whether or not Bragi’s technology will be accepted and implemented is still a question. But one thing is certain: Bragi’s idea could open up new possibilities for audio-based social media communication. It could revolutionize the way we communicate with friends and family and make communication easier, faster, and more convenient.