Patent published on July 4, 2023

Cox Communications Introduces Immersive Digital Media Experience with Volumetric Time Slices

Immersive digital media is becoming ever more popular as a way of creating an enriched user experience. We’ve seen this in virtual reality applications and video games, but now with a new patent from Cox Communications, immersive digital media could soon be available to a much wider audience. Cox Communications, the American telecommunications company, has created a new way of creating immersive digital media experiences. The patent, US11696001B2, details a system which involves receiving data, determining which parts represent objects, and combining them to create a new media stream. This new media stream is then sent to a device to be presented and enjoyed by the user. The patent describes a system which makes use of volumetric time slices to create an immersive digital media experience. These volumetric time slices are a combination of data which represent objects and can be used to create a 3D environment. This 3D environment is then presented to the user on their device, allowing them to experience a fully immersive digital media experience. Cox Communications’ new system could be used in a variety of ways. For example, it could be used in virtual reality applications or video games, allowing players to experience a fully immersive 3D world. The system could also be used in augmented reality applications, such as those used in education and training. In these applications, users could experience a 3D environment which is overlaid onto their real-world surroundings. Cox Communications’ system could also be used to create more immersive video-on-demand services. With the volumetric time slices, users could experience videos in a 3D environment, allowing them to explore the video content in a more interactive way. This could be useful for educational videos or documentaries, as users could explore the content in a more interactive way. It’s important to note that US11696001B2 is only a patent, and there’s no guarantee that this technology will ever become available in the market. However, if it does, it has the potential to revolutionize the way that people experience digital media. In conclusion, Cox Communications has created a patent which could potentially revolutionize the way that people experience digital media. With its system of volumetric time slices, users could experience a fully immersive 3D environment with their videos, games, and other digital media. While it’s not certain that this technology will ever come to the market, if it does, it could have far-reaching effects on the way that people experience digital media.

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