Patent published on April 9, 2024

Layman's guide to new patent: A cool way to play games with special glasses and a pretend world

Layman's Guide to New Patent: A Revolutionary Way to Play Games with Special Glasses and a Pretend World

A patent has recently been published with the title "Mixed reality simulation and training system" under patent number US11951376B2. This patent introduces a groundbreaking solution to enhance gaming and activities by combining special glasses and a simulated digital world.

The core problem addressed by this patent is the lack of augmented reality (AR) feedback during gameplay with existing systems. Prior gaming simulations, such as "Phigolf" and "SwingLogic SLX MicroSim," only provide simulated golf drives on virtual golf courses after the user has completed their swing. Although these systems allow players to focus their eyes on the golf area of interest, they fail to offer augmented reality feedback during the swing motion. Additionally, the accuracy of the simulated trajectory tends to be subpar, and the systems lack fine swing analytics.

The patent proposes a solution by introducing a mixed reality simulation and training system that combines elements of both AR and virtual reality (VR). This system enables synchronization between the real world and the digital simulation, allowing users to seamlessly transition between the two modes of experiencing the game. Moreover, it utilizes existing standard sports equipment, such as golf clubs, to provide a more immersive and realistic experience.

The invention leverages specialized stereoscopic video passthrough AR/VR goggles equipped with six degrees of freedom (6 DoF) tracking, high-resolution screens, and passthrough capabilities. These goggles allow users to view stereoscopic visual and auditory guidance, interact with virtual AR/VR objects, and anchor virtual objects to the real world. By combining 6 DoF tracking and stereoscopic video passthrough, the system creates a cohesive mixed reality environment, where users can engage with both physical and digital elements.

Another innovative aspect of this patent is the integration of real-world objects and the user's body in the virtual environment. In the case of golf simulations, the system can mimic the user's real-world golf club and other visible body movements in the virtual space. This seamless transition from AR to VR mode minimizes user disorientation and enhances the overall immersive experience.

Once the problem of limited AR feedback and inaccurate trajectory simulation is solved, the world of gaming and training can reach new heights. Players will benefit from the immersive experience where they can view the real environment while interacting with augmented elements. For instance, in a golf training scenario, users can align their real-world golf club to a virtual golf ball, seeing both the real and virtual elements simultaneously. As they swing the club, the AR simulation transitions smoothly into VR mode, allowing users to watch the virtual golf ball interact with its virtual environment.

It's important to note that this patent is a significant step toward revolutionizing gaming and training experiences, but its appearance in the market is not guaranteed. However, if this patent becomes a reality, it has the potential to elevate gaming and training to new levels of realism and interactivity.

P.S. This article is based on a recently published patent and does not guarantee its availability in the market. The patent number is US11951376B2.

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