Patent published on October 10, 2023

DJI's Patent Could Make Gesture Control More Accurate for Smart Controllers

We've all been there; struggling to change the song on our smart watch or getting the drone to capture just the right angle, but it seems like a smart technology company SZ DJI Technology Co., may have found a promising solution. They've designed a wearable gadget that reaches beyond the traditional interaction of swipes and taps called "Wearable Device and Control Method Thereof, Gesture Recognition Method, and Control System" (patent number: US11782514B2).

So what's the big issue everyone has been talking about? Users often find it cumbersome and slow to interact with their wearable technology, especially when they want to perform a task that is far away in the menu. This isn't limited to just smart watches; the problem extends to other wearable technology where tactile interaction might be slower or even inaccessible.

Enter DJI's latest invention. It capitalizes on the natural movements of the user. In other words, this mind-boggling technology would allow your smart gadgets to understand and perform a task based on your gestures. Let’s consider an example with DJI's smart controller for drones. Instead of fumbling around with buttons or touchscreen controls, users might just have to wave their hand a particular way to get the drone to hover or return home.

The impact of this technology, if it is ever realized, could make our interaction with wearable gadgets faster and far more intuitive. Imagine changing that song on your watch with just a flick of your wrist or adjusting the speed of the drone with a simple hand signal. The world could become a place where our interactions with technology reflect our natural movements which can be distinctly different from today’s restrictive interactions. This invention could make our technology more personal and less mechanical.

However, it must be noted that a patent is merely legal recognition of an invention and does not guarantee its realization in the market. This concept of gesture-recognized inputs by DJI's is still in its early stages and there is no assurance of when or if it will ever be developed into a consumer product.

No matter the outcome, it's surely a step forward in our interaction with technology, making the idea of struggling with finicky devices feel positively antiquated. Technology could soon understand us on our terms, creating a more seamless integration of wearables into our daily lives.

P.S. Remember, regardless of the excitement, it's very important to note that while the patent has been successfully registered, it doesn't necessarily mean this product will make it to the market. It's always a ‘wait and see’ game when it comes to patents turning into real products people can buy.

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