Patent published on July 25, 2023

EBAY's New Patent Identifies Hot Selling Products and Notifies Users of Selling Opportunities

It’s no secret that e-commerce has taken the world by storm. From the days of selling items on eBay to the now thriving online marketplaces, it’s clear that people have a lot of options for buying and selling products. But what if there was a way to identify the products that are hot right now and offer users the opportunity to sell them?

Well, that’s exactly what eBay is hoping to achieve with its new patent, US11710166B2. This patent is designed to help people identify the products that are in high demand online and let them know when there’s a good opportunity to sell those products.

The patent works by using machine learning models to identify items that have a high level of surge activity, such as online activities that indicate a sudden increase in supply or demand. This could include things like an increase in searches for a particular item, or a sudden rush of buyers looking for a particular product.

Using this data, the patent is able to identify items that are in high demand and can notify users of potential selling opportunities. This could help users to take advantage of the surge in demand and make a profit, or it could help them to avoid items that may not sell as well in the future.

The patent also considers the purchase history of users to provide information about items that the user may have in their possession, as well as the user’s intent for selling those items. This could help identify items that may be desirable to buyers and also help users to determine when the best time to list an item would be.

In addition, the patent may also be able to detect when an item is in a low supply and alert users to the fact that the item may be desirable to buyers. This could be useful for users looking to buy items at the right price and also help them to make a quick sale.

Of course, there’s no guarantee that this patent will ever be used in a real-world setting. But if it is, it could be a useful tool for people looking to identify hot items and take advantage of selling opportunities. It could also provide users with valuable information about items that may be in low supply and offer them the chance to buy them before they’re gone.

It’s important to note that whether eBay’s patent will eventually be used or not is still uncertain. Therefore, it’s important to take this information with a grain of salt, and make sure to do your own research before making any buying or selling decisions.

All in all, eBay’s patent US11710166B2 could be a useful tool for people looking to identify and take advantage of hot selling items. By using machine learning models to identify items that have a high level of surge activity, the patent could potentially help users to identify selling opportunities and take advantage of them. It could also help users to identify items that may be in low supply and provide them with the opportunity to buy them at a good price. Whether this patent will eventually be used or not remains to be seen, but it could be a useful tool for people looking to make the most of their online buying and selling experiences.

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