Having difficulties making out what people are saying during online video calls? Tired of that feeling of echo-like voices bouncing around an empty hallway instead of a real-life conversation sound? Here's a piece of good news. A remarkable recent patent by the company Glen A. Norris promises to revolutionize our experience with online calls. The patent number US11800307B2 deals with a novel furthering in voice technology. It details a unique concept for a pair of high-tech spectacles that can make your video call feel almost like a real-life rendezvous.
Electronic calls often feel somewhat artificial. Voices sound as though they originate from the same spot, irrespective of where the person appears on the screen. Misplaced and conflicting sound locations make the conversation a bit bizarre and, over a time, quite vexing. It certainly isn't the most ideal way to communicate, especially now, when a vast proportion of the world's population is working from home and relies primarily on electronic calls.
Glen A. Norris's patent solution lies in identifying the problems and addressing them head-on. A pair of electronic glasses, equipped with advanced technology, will identify the spatial organization and structure of the room. The headset uses this information to adjust the sound's origin, giving the user a more natural feel, as if the person on the other side were right there in the room. Instead of a flat mono-directional sound, the voice will appear to originate from the location of the person's image on the screen. This not only humanizes electronic conversations but also helps reduce the confusion caused by sounds originating from different directions.
Imagine this scenario: You're sitting in your home office, your electronic glasses perched on your nose. A video call starts. Your boss appears on the screen, and her voice seems to be coming from the left. Simultaneously, your colleague, whose video feed is arranged to the right, offers his input, and his voice is heard from the right direction. This creates a more immersive and involved discussion, enhancing engagement and understanding by harnessing basic auditory spatial awareness.
The implications of such an invention extend far beyond the corporate world, onto a global landscape of communication. It could potentially reform how we engage with loved ones who are far away, making them feel closer than before. Classrooms could employ this technology to provide a more interactive and engaging learning environment for students worldwide, considerably improving the e-learning experience.
As revolutionary as it sounds, it's crucial to remember that this innovation is still in the patent stage. There's no certainty about when or even if it will become available in the market. All that can be said for sure is that such an invention holds immense potential to change the way we communicate electronically. And if successfully implemented, it would undoubtedly bring us one step closer to humanizing the ever-increasing digital interactions in our lives.