Patent published on September 7, 2023

Patent Might Make Humane Ring Capture Perfect Photos

Picture this; you're at your child's first ballet recital, their tiny feet poised delicately, just about to pirouette. You fumble with your camera at the critical moment and your photo ends up a blurred mess. Or perhaps, you're on safari, and a majestic lion bolts out of the grass in front of your vehicle. By the time you get your camera settings right, all you're left with is the dust cloud in the wake of the lion's retreat. Multiple such instances have led to patent US20230283886A1, by the company Humane, aimed at making such missed opportunities a thing of the past.

This problem is not only common, but it throws up several challenges. Each missed shot is a lost memory, forever gone. And it’s not just about the moments missed; it is also the wasted time and much effort spent in managing the storage space filled with poor quality, blurry, overexposed or underexposed images.

The patented technology to solve this problem is about a wearable gadget that can capture photos or videos, called a 'Humane Ring.' It's smart enough to judge the right settings for each picture or video based on the surrounding data it absorbs. It then decides how light or dark an image should be, eliminating any focus issues, and controls the camera to capture it. The 'Humane Ring' also goes one step further; it automatically decides when to take pictures, making sure to capture only interesting or noteworthy events or objects, thereby reducing the storage requirements of the device. Essentially, it takes the burden of correct timing, light settings, and even storage management off of the user’s shoulders.

Imagine a world where you no longer need to worry about missing the perfect shot. At your next family barbecue, your 'Humane Ring' smartly captures the glee on your kids' faces as they play with the dog. At an important meeting, it documents each crucial moment, helping you create comprehensive records. With the invention of the 'Humane Ring,' photographers, both professional and amateur, will be freed from the hassle of adjusting camera settings, leaving them to focus on the moment at hand.

In conclusion, it's important to note that this is a recently patented technology and as such, there are no guarantees when, or even if, it will be available on the market. While the concept appears promising and the potential benefits are numerous, its real-life application remains to be seen.

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