Patent published on August 10, 2023

IBM Watson AI Helps in Fixing Device Mistakes: A New Method in Problem Solving


The tech giant, International Business Machines, known widely as IBM, has recently secured a patent under the number US20230251923A1. This innovation brings a fresh perspective to addressing functionality issues in devices, particularly geared towards enhancing their ability to self-correct.

The patent revolves around a robust computer system that monitors repetitive actions a device undertakes. On failing to complete a particular task repeatedly, the system engages automatic scanners, envisaging the problem, and subsequently applies an appropriate fix. This could mean no more failed tasks and a significant reduction in time wastage for users.

A prime example that illuminates the potential application of this invention is in the functionality of Boston Dynamics' SPOT® Robot. This versatile robot can carry out a multitude of tasks, from mapping out spaces and avoiding obstacles to climbing stairs and opening doors. However, when faced with difficulties in executing specific tasks, these robots have been observed to keep trying without success, leading to lost valuable time or even complete inability to perform the task.

With IBM's new patent, the issue highlighted above could potentially be a thing of the past. The system will step in when it notices repeated failures, identify the root cause, and apply the necessary fix. This would ensure smoother operations and optimized performance which is especially beneficial for industries using the SPOT® Robot.

Moreover, the patent outlines several benefits related to on-demand self-service, rapid elasticity, and measured service. This means it could automatically provide additional computing capabilities as needed, thereby assuring scalability and efficiency. It also possesses the power to monitor and control resource usage, creating a transparent interface for both the service provider and consumer.

In line with this, the patent has provided several diagrams that detail processes and systems connected with automatic repair of device performance. These figures aid in understanding the context and working model of the innovation, making it more accessible for the layman.

However, it's crucial to note that, as is the case with all patents, there's no guarantee that this technology will become readily available in the market. Patents often serve as stepping stones that inspire further innovations and refinements. Whether this particular system will become a part of our daily tech interactions remains a question only time will answer.

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