Patent published on December 7, 2023

KPMG Blockchain Services' Patent might Simplify Business Transactions

In an era where the rapid increase in digital data fundamentally changes how business transactions are conducted, there lies a persistent issue that hampers progress - maintaining flexibility in the face of ever-changing laws and industry regulations. A recently published patent, US20230394448A1, proposed by KPMG Blockchain Services promises to address this pressing issue.

The issue becomes salient especially with blockchain technology that presents remarkable opportunities but also significant challenges. For instance, changes in the laws and regulations governing certain industries often imply that today's data structures may be rendered inadequate sooner than anticipated. Moreover, updating smart contracts used with blockchains is not a straightforward affair and requires redevelopment and redeployment across every node involved - a process that is resource-intensive, time-consuming, and challenging, to say the least.

KPMG's recent patent extends a helping hand towards tackling such concerns. This patent, entitled "CONFIGURABLE SMART CONTRACT PLATFORM," is a highly flexible platform that offers an option for businesses to adjust to the occasional regulatory shifts smoothly, keeping their transaction records up-to-date and accurate without the need for a complete overhaul.

The patent does away with the need for having multiple smart contracts to handle transactions and data. Instead, it introduces a single configurable smart contract, an all-in-one system that deftly handles records, validates transactions, and applies business rules - all without needing to write a single line of code.

To understand the significance of this, imagine an international business firm that deals in various policy-heavy markets. Such a company could face a setback with every policy change in the related industry. But with the configurable smart contract platform, it could simply adjust its business rules according to the changed guidelines, eliminating the need for a thorough, time-consuming, and often expensive system update.

These 'contractual adjustments' will be saved in a digital ledger that facilitates effortless tracking and auditing. As a result, the age-old problem of maintaining updated business transactions is addressed ingeniously using cutting-edge blockchain technology.

In a world that is growing increasingly digital, this architecture allows fulfilling the need for speed, accuracy, flexibility, and simplicity. Imagine a small business owner who can now simplify his dealings with a big corporation, or a banking institution that can streamline its complex financial transactions, simply by customizing its business rules without having to rely on an army of developers and coders.

However, it is essential to remember that at this stage, it remains a patent, ensuring exclusivity to the inventor to use and benefit from the invention. It doesn't guarantee its commercial availability or use. But the future it envisions, a world that effectively meets the demand for swift, flexible, and simple business transaction solutions, is indeed an exciting proposition.

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