Patent published on May 30, 2024

New Device Could Scare Fish Away Without Harmful Shocks: Patent Granted for Fish Repellent Device

New Device Could Scare Fish Away Without Harmful Shocks

In a world with increasing concern for the ecological balance of our oceans and the preservation of marine life, a newly published patent holds promise for a groundbreaking solution to a longstanding problem. The patent, with the title "Electric Device and Electric Field Barrier Forming Device," has been granted to NAGOYA General Incorporated Association, a company dedicated to finding innovative solutions for conservation efforts. With the patent number US20240172741A1, this device aims to repel fish without causing any harm through the ingenious use of electric fields.

One of the core problems this patent seeks to address is the need to repel fish that possess a Lorenzini organ, such as sharks and rays. When fishing, these animals tend to gather around the caught fish, posing a safety risk to both humans and other fish. The existing shark repelling devices rely on applying a high DC voltage, which often doesn't effectively create an electric field that the fish can sense. This patent aims to rectify this issue by generating a low-amplitude AC voltage of less than 100V, ensuring that the sharks and rays would better react to the electric field produced by the device.

The electric device, which includes a generator, power supply, output terminals, and wires, is designed to emit a small electrical shock to repel fish without causing harm. The waveform pattern of the electric voltage can also be adjusted to drive away multiple species of fish that possess Lorenzini organs.

After the successful implementation of this patent, the world can anticipate significant changes in the way fishing activities occur. Fishermen can effectively prevent sharks from approaching their catches without resorting to methods that harm marine life or humans. Furthermore, this could potentially reduce the risks of accidents where individuals inadvertently step on rays while walking in seawater, thus enhancing safety for all maritime enthusiasts.

A real-life example of the application of this patent could be seen in the context of sea fishing. Fishing enthusiasts can attach the electric device to their fishing rods or nets, allowing them to repel approaching sharks and rays. Not only does this ensure a safer fishing experience, but it also contributes to the preservation of marine life by minimizing harmful encounters.

It is important to note that, as with any patent, the appearance of this innovative device in the market is not guaranteed. Development and implementation of patented technologies often involve further research, extensive testing, and regulatory approvals. However, the publication of this patent serves as a stepping stone in the ongoing efforts to find sustainable solutions for human activities that impact the delicate balance of our oceans.

In conclusion, the newly granted patent, US20240172741A1, offers a glimpse into a future where fish repelling devices could potentially revolutionize fishing practices. By using low-amplitude AC voltages, this invention paves the way for reducing harm to marine life while ensuring the safety of humans. While it remains unclear whether this patented technology will become a reality in the market, its potential benefits as a sustainable solution for fish repulsion cannot be overlooked.

P.S. It is important to note that this article discusses a granted patent and there is no certainty regarding its imminent appearance in the market.

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