Patent published on September 14, 2023

New Patent Could Make Daisy's Pain Monitoring Smart and Accurate

In a world of constant medical advancements, a newly patented technology shows promising future towards understanding and managing pain. Registered with the patent number US20230284961A1, named "A Method and System for Monitoring a Level of Modified Consciousness and a Level of Pain," the innovation revolves around a computer-based system that helps observe a patient's level of consciousness and pain scrutiny by measuring the brain's electrical activity—EEG.

Pain and the consequential suffering it brings significantly influence an individual's quality of life. Existing methods for measuring pain are riddled with complexities—often unreliable and unable to provide efficient and objective feedback. These drawbacks turn problematic when it comes to patients who can't accurately express their pain, such as non-verbal children and persons with a disability. The current systems inaccurately assess pain awareness in patients with modified consciousness, making drug titration a challenge. Both over and under-dosing of anaesthetics can occur due to the lack of a clear indication of the patient's conscious perception of pain.

The new patented tool aims to bridge this gap by offering a trustworthy and automatic monitoring of the level of pain perceived by a subject. This technology will prove pivotal to medical practitioners and caregivers, offering a robust measurement of a subject's perceived pain level, especially when they are in a modified state of consciousness.

After implementing this patent, the world of pain management will witness a significant transformation. For instance, medical professionals will be able to accurately dose medication based on the subject's objective state of consciousness and pain, reducing the risk of overdosing. The technology will allow more precise pain diagnostics for non-verbal patients, hence safely and reliably determining the need for specific sedation and analgesics.

Take, for instance, a patient undergoing post-operative recovery. With this technology, healthcare providers could accurately determine the patient's pain level and consciousness depth, deciding the further requirement for pain relievers or sedatives. Consequently, there would be a reduction in cases of drug overuse or underuse associated with pain management.

However, it's imperative to note that this is a new patent, and there is no certainty about when or how it will hit the market.

P.S. Though the idea and intent are promising, like other patents, there is no guarantee that it will make its way to the market. It’s critical to remember that what happens in real-world applications often differs from the lab.

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