Patent published on August 3, 2023

Oracle International's Multi-Cloud Control Plane Simplifies Cross-Cloud Utilization

Cloud computing is revolutionizing the way we use technology in our everyday lives. From streaming services to document storage, cloud computing has made accessing services faster and more efficient. But the process of accessing multiple cloud services can be daunting. Oracle International has developed a patent that aims to simplify the process of accessing services across multiple cloud environments.

The patent, numbered US20230247087A1, outlines a method for users of one cloud environment to access services in another cloud environment. This method requires the creation of a tenancy in the first cloud environment and the creation of a link-resource object that links the user's accounts in both environments. This allows the user to access services on both clouds, making the process faster and more efficient.

The patent also addresses the issue of security. By creating a link-resource object, users can control the access that each environment has to the other, ensuring that their data and information remain secure. Additionally, the patent allows for the creation of multiple link-resource objects, allowing the user to access multiple cloud environments at the same time.

Oracle International's multi-cloud control plane simplifies the process of accessing multiple cloud services. By allowing users to access multiple cloud environments with a single link-resource object, Oracle's patent eliminates the need to create multiple accounts or logins for each environment. This makes the process of accessing multiple services faster and more efficient. Additionally, the patent allows users to control the access that each environment has to the other, ensuring that their data remains secure.

The patent is still in the early stages, and it is unclear if Oracle will bring it to the market. Even so, the patent presents an interesting idea that could revolutionize the way we use cloud computing. If Oracle International's multi-cloud control plane is implemented, it could make cross-cloud utilization much simpler and more efficient.

The idea of linking multiple cloud environments with a single link-resource object is a novel one and could have many applications. For example, a company that operates across multiple cloud environments could use the patent to quickly and securely access services in each environment. Additionally, the patent could be used by individuals that use multiple cloud services to access their documents and files.

Oracle International's patent, numbered US20230247087A1, is a promising one that could revolutionize the way we use cloud computing. By allowing users to access multiple cloud services with a single link-resource object, Oracle International's multi-cloud control plane simplifies the process of cross-cloud utilization. It remains to be seen if Oracle will bring the patent to the market, but it presents an interesting idea that could make cloud computing more efficient and accessible.

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