Patent published on April 18, 2024

New York Times Article Title: "Oura Ring Patent: Smart Device Guides Personalized Wellness for a Healthier You"

Oura Ring Patent: Smart Device Guides Personalized Wellness for a Healthier You

Every day, millions of people struggle with their well-being, wondering if they are taking care of themselves adequately. This uncertainty often arises due to a lack of information and guidance on how they can improve their health. Thankfully, a groundbreaking patent, titled "Techniques for Personalized Wellness Routines Using Wearable Device and External Device" (patent number: US20240122535A1), developed by Oura Health, offers a solution that revolutionizes personalized wellness routines.

The core problem this patent aims to solve is the limited ability of user devices to provide valuable insights into improving health metrics or conditions associated with these metrics. For instance, while most individuals sleep during the night, their sleep patterns may not align with calendar days. Oura Health's system, utilizing their wearable gadget – the Oura Ring, enables an evaluation of sleep patterns that is consistent with each user's individual sleep schedule.

The need for such a solution becomes apparent when considering the crucial role of sleep in maintaining overall health and well-being. Adults typically require 7-9 hours of sleep each night to function optimally both mentally and physically. However, occasional nights of poor sleep are not uncommon. The patented technology takes into account long-term sleep patterns to determine whether individuals' sleep needs are being met.

The wearable gadget at the heart of this invention is the Oura Ring. Unlike other monitoring devices, which are often uncomfortable or cumbersome, the ring provides a stylish and user-friendly solution. The utilization of green and red LEDs within the ring offers distinct advantages, as each LED type provides superior performance in different conditions and body areas. Green LEDs, for example, excel during exercise, while the finger's blood vessels are easily accessible, resulting in stronger signals and more valuable physiological data.

To facilitate personalized wellness routines effectively, the patent introduces graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that provide a comprehensive overview of users' health metrics. These interfaces aid in the determination, use, and monitoring of personalized wellness routines, incorporating the use of one or more external devices. By integrating data from the Oura Ring with external devices, individuals gain greater insights into their overall well-being and receive tailored recommendations for staying healthy.

Imagine a world where people can effortlessly monitor their health and make informed decisions about their well-being. With the Oura Ring patent, this reality is within reach. Individuals who use this groundbreaking technology will no longer be left in the dark about their health status. They will have access to accurate data and personalized suggestions for improving their overall wellness.

For instance, one can envision a professional working long hours and feeling worn out. By simply referring to the Oura Ring, they would receive prompts to consider factors such as sleep quality, exercise, and stress levels. These suggestions may include taking frequent breaks, engaging in physical activity, or practicing meditation. With consistent monitoring and adjustments to their lifestyle, this individual may experience increased energy levels and improved productivity.

It is important to note that while this patent presents a promising solution, there is no guarantee that it will appear on the market. The Oura Ring patent offers a glimpse into a potential future where personalized wellness is accessible to all. The realization of this vision would empower individuals to take control of their health and pave the way for a healthier, more vibrant society.

P.S. This article is based on a recently published patent titled "Techniques for Personalized Wellness Routines Using Wearable Device and External Device" (US20240122535A1) and does not ensure the availability of the product in the market.

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