Samsung Electronics Co., well-known for its technological innovation, has unveiled a new patent that proposes brighter and safer tiny dots for their QLED TVs. The patent registered under number US20230250336A1 shares a promising path towards eco-friendly TV production.
This patent suggests a tiny dot or a "quantum dot," devoid of any harmful metals like cadmium, which is typically used in production. Instead, this new dot comprises elements such as zinc, tellurium, selenium, and lithium. What makes this quantum dot stand out is its ability to shine incredibly bright and focus its light effectively.
The invention explains in technical language as photoluminescence analysis, ultraviolet spectroscopy analysis, and inductively coupled plasma analysis. Simply put, it's about the methods used to study how these tiny dots light up and how safe and efficient they are.
As per the details in the patent, the potential use of these dots in Samsung's QLED TV lineup could not only reduce the use of harmful materials but also considerably enhance the viewing experience. According to Samsung, these upgraded tiny dots could have a quantum efficiency of about 3% or more, which translates to improved brightness and focus.
The patent details, complete with diagrams, show how the TV works with these tiny dots. For example, a source within the TV sends out blue light, and upon interacting with the quantum dots, the glow is diffused, providing bright, precise, and vibrant colors. Plus, the absence of cadmium also makes the dots water-insoluble, adding another level of safety for users.
It's important to note that this innovation is specifically designed to provide color reproducibility of about 80% or more in accordance with the BT2020 standard, a globally recognized color space. That means these TVs could produce colors more accurately and vibrantly, enhancing the viewer's experience.
While this new form of quantum dot represents a notable stride in the TV market, it's important to remember that this information is based on a patent application. Securing a patent doesn't guarantee the technology will make it to market. However, if realized, this development could revolutionize the QLED TV landscape, offering viewers a richer, safer experience while encouraging more sustainable practices within the industry.