Patent published on October 19, 2023

Samsung's New Patent Could Make Galaxy S22 Ultra Stream Games Faster

Samsung Electronics' recent creative stride in wireless communication is set to solve a burgeoning problem troubling many tech enthusiasts - the delay or lapse in real-time streaming services, including high-performance games and video content. Filing patent number US20230336605A1, Samsung is aiming to shatter latency constraints that have traditionally nested within streaming services.

Even though streaming services have grown exceptionally popular, the experience for users is far from flawless. When a user is playing a high-quality game or streaming a high-definition video, the network often grapples with delivering a seamless experience. For most games, any hiccup or pause breaks the immersive experience, and for video content, it leads to buffering, creating frustrating breaks in viewing continuity. These irritations stem from the waiting time, known as latency, in the delivery of data from the server to the user's device.

The newly patented method is designed to negate these problems by spreading the requested data across two channels on a 5G or 6G network. Consequently, the main data is fetched through one channel, while additional data or metadata about the main data run on a parallel route. In the event of a hiccup leading to a failure of the main data to arrive at the user's device, this apparatus will use the extra data from the second channel to create a comprehensive output. By doing so, it reduces the 'waiting time' and maintains the continuity of the user's experience.

Looking into the future, with the successful implementation of this patented method, the digital world stands to gain immensely. For gamers, games will run smoothly without lags, ensuring an uninterrupted and immersive experience. People using streaming platforms to watch their favorite shows or movies would no longer experience buffering or unexpected pauses. Even in professional spheres, video conferencing will be seamless and efficient, making remote communication effortlessly gratifying.

Moreover, with this patent being applied to Samsung's future products, like the speculated Galaxy S22 Ultra, the average user of smartphones can anticipate an improvement in the quality of their daily digital interactions.

A flip through the schematic diagrams in the patent filing is insightful, with various figures showing the wireless communication system's structure and how it effectively partitions the data streams for optimal delivery.

However, it's, of course, worth remembering that while a patent provides a glimpse into what could be coming, it doesn't always convert into a marketable product. It's an intellectual property document that companies file to protect their inventions. Whether Samsung will utilize this method in future devices remains to be seen.

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