Patent published on August 31, 2023

"Samsung's New Patent Could Make The Premiere LSP9T Picture-

The advent of projectors has greatly revolutionized the way we view media, making it possible to turn any space into a personalized cinema. However, there's always been a peculiar problem that users often encounter. Have you ever noticed that when a projector is not aligned perpendicularly to the screen, the projected image becomes distorted, taking on a trapezoidal shape, or appears rotated on the screen? This phenomenon, christened as the 'keystone effect', has been a real thorn in the side for users.

The woes don't end here. The challenge becomes even more pronounced with the latest ultra short throw beam projectors, a technology gaining traction due to its functionality in small spaces. Distortion or 'warping' is magnified due to it's near-field projection capabilities. In fact, minor distortions could lead to significant warping of the final image projection.

A potential solution to this issue has appeared on the horizon, courtesy of a recent patent (US20230276032A1) by Samsung Electronics Co. This patent details an 'Electronic apparatus and method for controlling thereof', a sophisticated gadget capable of self-correcting the keystone effect. This feature is termed as 'keystone correction'.

What makes this invention interesting is its ability to measure the tilt or turn of the projector with a host of sensors and a computer 'brain'. This creates a feedback loop that enables the gadget to adjust the image being projected, ensuring it's always displayed correctly, irrespective of how or where the device is placed. The patent specifically points at Samsung's The Premiere LSP9T as a potential candidate for this technology.

The implications of this new development are immense. Imagine setting up your projector without worrying about perfect alignment—be it for an impromptu outdoor movie night or a business presentation on a makeshift screen. Parents could effortlessly project bedtime stories on the ceiling, and educators could transform any wall into an interactive learning zone.

Moreover, it can significantly enhance user experience in restricted spaces. The picture quality of projectors in small apartments or impromptu meeting rooms would no longer be dependent on the wheelchair or tight corners.

The patent also indicates that the invention allows for auto-focusing by moving a predetermined location of a focus lens. Therefore, not only does the gadget correct the picture distortion, but it also ensures the image remains sharp and clear, taking the viewing experience to the next level.

However, it's important to note that this development is still at the patent stage. While the idea and concept are promising, there's no guarantee that this technology will make it to market in the form we see described, as it is with the nature of patents.

Nonetheless, this venture by Samsung is noteworthy, showcasing how technological progress is relentlessly pushing boundaries, constantly striving to enhance our viewing experiences, one calibration at a time.

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