Patent published on August 24, 2023

SecondWave's New Patent Might Make Inflammation Treatment Easier

In the rapidly evolving field of medicine, SecondWave Systems has come up with a new invention, currently in its patent process under the number US20230264049A1, that may game change in the realm of treating inflammation.

At the heart of the problem is a process routinely used to treat a broad range of diseases – electrically stimulating the vagus nerve, a crucial nerve connecting to multiple vital organs like the heart, lung, liver, stomach, kidney and more. This very connectivity, however, can result in unintended side effects. For instance, treating rheumatoid arthritis with a vagus nerve stimulator can cause fatigue, dizziness, nausea, constipation, among other symptoms. Moreover, targeting the right organ like the spleen, which unleashes anti-inflammatory effects, can be tricky owing to differing body types, sizes and postures, and the spleen's constant motion, making continuous targeting a challenge.

To combat these hurdles, SecondWave Systems has proposed a novel wearable tool that uses sound energy, akin to how bats navigate in the dark, allowing doctors to see and treat parts of the body, like the heart or spleen, efficiently.

This invention, with its broad spectrum of applications, could serve as a paradigm shift in the conventional treatment of inflammation-related diseases. The ultrasound stimulation via the wearable gadget can elicit similar anti-inflammatory effects as electrical vagus nerve stimulation, without the need for implanting an electrical stimulation device or causing inadvertent effects on other organs in the body.

Given this, the device could be used during a typical session with your doctor, who could easily track the ultrasound's location on your spleen. For instance, as you breathe more slowly, it gives the doctor a more precise location of the spleen, making the treatment more effective. Importantly, the patient's mobility is not compromised during this treatment; the device stops the ultrasound stimulation if the wearer is moving about.

An insightful glance at the figures given with the patent shows how the device accurately tracks breathing volume and rate and the motion of the spleen, even in different body positions and breathing patterns. For instance, when the subject is at rest, the device precisely measures the spleen's movement, allowing for accurate therapy. The images also demonstrate how the device can adjust the direction of the ultrasound beam based on the detection of the rib, ensuring targeted treatment of the spleen.

Clearly, SecondWave System's invention could change the face of how patients with inflammation-related diseases like rheumatoid arthritis are treated, with far fewer side-effects than current treatments.

However, it is essential to note that patents like US20230264049A1 are tricky territories, and there is no guarantee that the promised tool will make an appearance in the market. Nonetheless, we wait with bated breath to see how this innovation could potentially alter the course of medical treatments in the years to come.

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