Patent published on December 28, 2023

Shanghai United Imaging Intelligence Co. patents "Virtual Rehab System Changing Therapy Based on Progress"

Shanghai United Imaging Intelligence Co. has recently patented a groundbreaking system that has the potential to revolutionize therapy and rehabilitation. The patent, titled "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING REHABILITATION IN A VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT" with the number US20230414132A1, addresses a fundamental problem in conventional rehabilitation virtual environment systems by dynamically changing rehabilitation therapies based on the patient's progress.

The core problem being tackled by this patent is the limited capabilities of traditional rehabilitation virtual environment systems. These systems typically utilize smart mirrors or smartphones to present various rehabilitation therapies. However, they often lack flexibility in adapting to the needs and progress of individual patients. The therapies are usually displayed in a fixed sequence, which poses challenges when a patient is unable to perform a particular therapy.

This limitation creates issues for patients who require customized and adaptive therapy sessions. Each individual's progress varies, and they may struggle with certain exercises while excelling in others. The lack of flexibility and adaptability in traditional systems hinders the effectiveness of rehabilitation therapy.

To solve this problem, Shanghai United Imaging Intelligence Co.'s patent introduces a system that provides dynamically changing rehabilitation therapies in a virtual environment. The system comprises several components, including a special headset, a device to track the patient's movements, and a computer to measure their performance.

Here's how the patent's innovation works: When a patient begins a rehabilitation session using the virtual environment, the system tracks their movements and evaluates their performance. If the patient performs well in a specific exercise, the system continues to present the same exercise. However, if the patient struggles, the computer algorithm adjusts the exercise to make it easier and more suitable for their capabilities.

The ability to dynamically change rehabilitation therapies according to the patient's progress is a significant breakthrough. It ensures that patients receive personalized and targeted therapies tailored to their current abilities. By continually evaluating and adapting the exercises, the system optimizes the effectiveness of rehabilitation therapy, resulting in more efficient progress and improved outcomes.

The implications of this patent are far-reaching. Once implemented, the virtual rehab system could transform the world of therapy and rehabilitation. Patients would be able to receive tailored and adaptive treatments that evolve alongside their progress, promoting better recovery and increased motivation.

Imagine a stroke survivor utilizing this system to regain mobility in their limbs. As the patient improves their motor skills, the virtual rehab system would automatically adjust the exercises, providing suitable challenges. This personalized approach would help accelerate their recovery and enhance their overall quality of life.

Moreover, individuals with mobility issues due to accidents or illnesses could benefit from this revolutionary technology. The virtual rehab system could provide them with exercises specifically designed to improve their range of motion, balance, and coordination. By adapting to their progress, the system would continuously challenge and guide them towards improved physical capabilities.

While this patent demonstrates great potential, it's important to note that patents do not guarantee market availability. There may be additional considerations, such as regulatory approvals or further development, required before this system becomes commercially accessible. Nonetheless, the innovation showcased by Shanghai United Imaging Intelligence Co.'s patent opens a realm of possibilities for the future of rehabilitation therapies.

P.S. It's crucial to emphasize that this patent represents an inventive concept and does not guarantee its future market implementation. Its appearance in the market depends on various factors, including further development, regulatory approvals, and market demand.

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