Patent published on January 2, 2024

Snap's AR Glasses Patent Enhances Reading Experience

Enhanced Reading Experience: Snap's AR Glasses Patent

New York, NY - Snap, the parent company of Snapchat, has recently filed a patent for enhanced reading with augmented reality (AR) glasses. The patent, titled "Enhanced reading with AR glasses" and bearing the number US11861801B2, addresses a problem faced by AR glasses users and offers an innovative solution to enhance the reading experience.

The core problem being solved by this patent is the limitation of battery life that is often experienced with AR glasses, coupled with the inconvenience of frequently turning the glasses on and off while reading. AR glasses typically have a battery life of 30 minutes or less when actively being used, which poses a challenge when users want to enjoy a mixed reality experience while reading books or other printed materials.

With Snap's patented invention, AR glasses can intelligently go into a sleep mode and wake up at intervals to capture images of subsequent sections of a written material, such as pages of a book. These glasses can then identify any printed codes in each section and activate associated code modules. By intelligently managing the sleep mode and periodically waking up to scan for codes, the battery life of the AR glasses can be greatly extended to several hours or more.

Not only does this invention solve the battery life issue, but it also reduces the energy consumption of the AR glasses during the reading mode. Other features and communication modules that are not essential for reading are limited, ensuring efficient energy usage. Additionally, the invention manages the downloading of code modules for an entire written material in a single instance, reducing the need for continuous connection with another device while reading.

So, what does the world look like after this problem is solved? Picture this: you're reading a thrilling mystery novel, and as you turn the pages, your AR glasses capture images of the text and identify hidden codes. Suddenly, the glasses overlay additional information, bringing the story to life. Suspects, crime scenes, and evidence materialize before your eyes, allowing you to immerse yourself in the narrative like never before.

This patent opens up a realm of possibilities for different types of written material, including books, magazines, newspapers, and more. History textbooks can come alive with 3D models of historical events, educational materials can provide interactive explanations, and travel guides can offer virtual tours of exotic destinations.

It's important to note that this patent is still in the early stages, and it's uncertain whether it will come to market as a consumer product. Nonetheless, Snap's innovative approach to overcoming the limitations of AR glasses brings us closer to a future where reading becomes a truly engaging and immersive experience.

P.S. This article discusses a recently published patent by Snap, which introduces an invention for enhanced reading with AR glasses. It is crucial to highlight that being a patent does not guarantee that the technology will be brought to market, but it showcases the company's commitment to innovation and pushing the boundaries of augmented reality technology.

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