Patent published on July 27, 2023

Snap's Innovative System for Personalized Geo-Fence Selection

With the rapid advancements in technology, companies are striving to make their products more accessible and efficient for users. One such example of this is Snap, a camera and social media company, who has recently filed a patent for a system that can detect a user's location and provide content based upon it.

This invention, which is detailed in patent US20230239654A1, is expected to revolutionize the way people interact with their devices and the world around them. The system can detect the boundaries around a device and then locate a geo-fence (an area on a map) in which the device is located. It can then give the user content associated with that area. This is an innovative way of personalizing content for the user, allowing them to enjoy a more tailored experience.

The patent application was filed in the United States on March 6, 2018. It is a continuation of the patent application filed on May 6, 2019, and claims the benefit of priority from the patent application filed on December 3, 2019. It is a continuation of the patent application filed on April 6, 2021, and claims the benefit of priority from the patent application filed on October 13, 2022.

The technology behind this system is intriguing. It could be used in a number of ways, such as providing personalized ads for people in a certain location or providing tailored reminders for tasks in a certain area. It could also be utilized by businesses to keep track of customers in their stores and to send out notifications about sales or other events happening in their areas.

Snap's technology could even be used to help people find their way around unfamiliar areas. By detecting the user's location and providing a geo-fence, users can easily find their way to their intended destination. Furthermore, the system can also provide the user with information about the area they are in, such as local restaurants, shops, and attractions.

In conclusion, Snap's innovative system for personalized geo-fence selection is a unique way of providing users with content tailored to their location. While the patent is still pending, the possibilities of this technology are immense, and could revolutionize the way people interact with their devices and the world around them. However, until the patent is approved, there is no guarantee that the technology will come to fruition. Nevertheless, it is exciting to consider the potential of this technology and what it could mean for the future of personalized content.

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