Patent published on July 6, 2023

Sony Interactive Entertainment Introduces Game Assistance Innovation with Expert Matchmaking

Sony Interactive Entertainment is introducing a revolutionary way to help gamers improve their game play. The patent US20230211240A1, titled ‘Connecting a Player to Expert Help in Real-Time During Game Play of a Gaming Application’, is a method that uses expert matchmaking to help gamers play better. This patent allows players to receive info about their game play which is then compared to expert game plays. With this data, an expert is assigned to the player to help them improve. Through this method, the player and the expert can communicate and help the player improve their game. This technology could be used by players of all skill levels. For example, a new player of a game can use this technology to learn from experienced players and hone their skills. On the other hand, an experienced player can use expert matchmaking to fine-tune their game and compete at higher levels. The patent also states that the experts and the players can communicate through gaming chat applications or through online forums. This means that the experts and the players do not have to be in the same room or even the same country. This could be a great way for players to connect with experts from around the world and get the best advice. Experts can also provide tips for specific levels or areas in the game. This will help players get better at those specific parts of the game. This could also be a great way to increase the engagement of players with the game. Sony Interactive Entertainment is leading the way in gaming technology with this patent. It is a great way for players to get expert advice on their game and become better players. Although this patent has been filed, there is no guarantee that it will come to the market. But if it does, it could revolutionize the way gamers play games. This patent could be a great way for gamers to connect with experts and get valuable advice. It could provide a great opportunity for gamers to learn from experienced players and take their game to the next level. This technology could be a great way to increase engagement and provide a great learning experience for gamers. Overall, Sony Interactive Entertainment has introduced a great way to provide assistance to gamers. This patent has the potential to revolutionize the way gamers play and could be a great way for gamers to learn and improve their game. Although the patent is still pending, it could be a great way for gamers to get expert advice and take their game to the next level.

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