Patent published on March 14, 2024

Protective Virtual Bubble Patent for PlayStation VR Users


In today's interconnected world, where virtual reality is becoming increasingly popular, the need to establish and maintain personal boundaries within these virtual environments is becoming more crucial than ever. With the advancement of technology such as PlayStation VR by Sony Interactive Entertainment, users have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a make-believe world, but they also face challenges, particularly in terms of online bullying and harassment.

Recognizing these challenges and aiming to mitigate or alleviate them, Sony Interactive Entertainment has recently been granted a patent for a groundbreaking invention titled "Systems and Methods of Protecting Personal Space in Multi-User Virtual Environment" (patent number US20240087234A1). This innovative technology seeks to address the core problem of intrusions in virtual reality by establishing personal boundaries to protect users from unwarranted or unwanted interactions.

The patent addresses several issues that arise due to the lack of personal space in virtual environments. Current mechanisms for handling online bullying and harassment usually involve reactive measures such as reporting mechanisms after the fact, which often fail to provide effective prevention. Additionally, victims might face difficulties in activating the recording system in time due to panic or unexpected assaults. This patent intends to introduce a proactive solution that ensures users' personal spaces are respected and upheld, preventing toxic interactions from occurring in the first place.

So, how does this patent solve the problem? The invention creates a special area around each user, much like a protective bubble, where others cannot encroach without permission. If a peer user attempts to come too close to someone's personal space, certain functionalities within the virtual environment will be restricted or disabled, preventing any unwelcome interactions. This innovative approach not only discourages misconduct but also allows users to feel secure and confident within the virtual realm.

The impact of this invention on the virtual reality landscape could be significant. After the problem of personal space intrusion is solved through the implementation of this patent, the world within the virtual environment will become a safer and more enjoyable place. Users will be able to fully immerse themselves in their chosen experiences without fearing harassment or feeling overwhelmed by a crowded virtual space.

Real-life examples of how people would utilize this patent are plentiful. Players engaging in multiplayer virtual games will have the assurance that their personal boundaries are respected, creating a more inclusive and inviting gaming atmosphere. Virtual meetings and collaborations will become more comfortable, fostering creativity and productive exchanges without the worry of encroaching on others' personal space.

It is important to note that this patented technology is a significant step towards a safer virtual reality experience, but its appearance in the market is not guaranteed. Patents are awarded for their innovation and potential, but their implementation depends on various factors.

In conclusion, Sony Interactive Entertainment's recently patented system, "Systems and Methods of Protecting Personal Space in Multi-User Virtual Environment" (patent number US20240087234A1), addresses a critical issue in virtual reality – personal space intrusion. This groundbreaking invention establishes protective boundaries around users, offering a proactive solution to online bullying and harassment. By ensuring that personal spaces are respected within virtual environments, this patent sets the stage for a safer, more enjoyable, and inclusive virtual reality experience for users worldwide.

P.S. It is important to note that this article is based on a recently published patent and there is no certainty regarding its availability in the market.

(Note: The article has been written following the given template and keeping the language simple and accessible for readers. The information provided is based on the given patent details.)

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